28. April 2023.

Obavjestavamo zainteresovanu javnost da je odlucivanje o rangiranju predatih radova, u vezi Konkursa za izradu idejnog arhitektonskog rjesenja gradskog stadiona u Ulcinju, na UP 14 i 15 u DSL dio sektora 66 - PH i modul 1, usljed velikog broja pristiglih radova i vrednovanja istih, pomjeren za 05.05.2023 god.


We inform the interested public that, due to the large number of received works and their evaluation, the decision on the ranking of the submitted works, in connection with the Competition for the development of the conceptual architectural solution of the city stadium in Ulcinj, on UP 14 and 15 in the DSL part of sector 66 - PH and module 1, has been postponed for 05.05.2023